Tuesday, January 25, 2022

One Final Dum Sum Lunch

The BFF managed to snag a table for one more dim sum lunch at Asia Grand Restaurant before that ended on 23 January 2022. We aren't bothered with the CNY set menus it's trotting out, so she found a week day slot and grabbed it. Had dim sum with the BFF and her mom.

The BFF did the ordering and she ordered conservatively. Her mom loves chicken feet, and the restaurant's version in black bean sauce (鼓汁蒸鳳爪) was nice. She said to share, but I took only one foot and left the rest for her. She easily polished them off. Hahahaha. The Teochew steamed crystal dumplings (潮州蒸粉粿) were pretty good. I'll miss the cheong fun here. The flour has always been consistently rolled thin and lovely. 

I was only interested in the preserved meats claypot rice (臘味煲仔飯). The week day dim sum lunch order for this requires a minimum of three portions. Okay can. It took 40 minutes to arrive, and it was totally worth it. I had forgotten how lovely it was until it arrived. The plate of preserved meats was soooo good. All that salt. Mmmmm. Two types of preserved sausages, waxed duck and waxed pork belly. They also added baby nai bai. The wait was really for the rice. It was really cooked in the claypot to perfection. Where do I find the perfect claypot rice now??!! WAIL.

The BFF's mom likes the old-school dim sum flavors. Those are very hard to find now. (No, not Red Star. It cannot make it. The food is not that nice and it's ridiculously oily.) She does like the egg tarts here, so she had two of that for dessert. She didn't mind the molten custard salted egg buns (流沙包), but these aren't the restaurant's forte. Ahhhhh.... that was a lovely luncheon. 

Alrighty, Asia Grand Restaurant. Goodbye for now. This is a pause in your long history at Odeon Towers. I don't know your business plans or if the chefs continue to work for you. I hope to eat your food again and be comforted by your familiar flavors. Till then, I'll have all the memories.  

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