Thursday, February 17, 2022

A New 75-liter Upright Freezer

I've given up the fight over freezer space. I need to eat, and so does the man. We can't be cooking this often. It's nice to cook and freeze food for humans. After juggling Choya's food delivery schedules and our cooking timetable for two years, I caved and bought a small upright freezer to store Choya's raw meats and such.

My original purchase of a 71-liter net storage Farfalla Upright Freezer [(W x H x D): 54.8cm x 83.3 x 53cm ] didn't happen. I bought directly from Gain City, so the store called and said the supplier didn't have any more stocks and the line has been discontinued. WALAOEH. They offered a similar replacement of a 73-liter net storage Butterfly BUF-S75 Upright Freezer that has a reversible door; its dimensions are slightly different at [(W x D x H) 50cm x 53cm x 84.6cm]. OKAY FINE.

Hmmm... 'Farfalla' is Italian for 'butterfly'. The brands are all owned by Lea Hin Group. Anyway, these freezers have ideal dimensions.  I have no space in the small kitchen to store it, but I have just the right spot for the freezer in the patio. I just need it to slot under the 86cm height-space I have for it. The replacement Butterfly freezer arrived on the original delivery date. 

There were three storage compartments in total — two pull-out drawers, and one topmost wired base with a flip cover that requires a flat panel or box to hold items. Cleaned it, turned it on, and shoved a water-filled ice tray into it. Checked on it 4 hours later. There were ice cubes. Perfect. Added other frozen items to it to test it out. Once I ascertained that the freezer worked fine, and the insulation and nothing mechanical was compromised, I was relieved. I would hate to deal with a spoilt freezer. 

The freezer sat for two days quietly humming before storing its first batch of Choya's newly arrived meats.  Then more items came, and they all went into the drawers. It was fun organizing the drawers! I used lightweight metal trays to place atop the wired base in the topmost compartment with the flip cover. The middle drawer is the biggest, and those would store her daily meats. The bottom drawer would take all additional bones, bone broth, goat milk kefir, bone grinds and such. 

73 liters are definitely more than enough to store Choya's food. I don't need it to stockpile or have meats keep for months in there. The main freezer in the kitchen is still in use. It will always store a week's worth of food. The extra small freezer just needs to keep sufficient supplies for three weeks. And perhaps two pints of of the man's ice-cream if I get around to buying them. 

Choya's one meal! 150 grams.


Liverella said...

Love them! Erhm, I have 2 sitting pretty in my bomb shelter because my built in (given by developer) fridge size is a joke for 3 bedder apt 🙃

imp said...

2! that's loads of storage! Heh.