Friday, February 18, 2022

Gifts in a Breakfast Bowl

When the friends know that I'm not too fond of sweet sweets, they don't bother sending me pastries, ice-cream, cakes and such. Muahahaha. Whewwww. I don't have a sweet tooth that way. Over three days, B sent a lovely huge fruit basket (with fruit forks too?!?!?), D sent such a big box of delightful chocolates from Soma, and J sent many bottles of kombucha and coffee from Cashew Brew.

All these presents fed me for a week and more! I was soooooo impressed that the chocolates survived the flight from Toronto to my kitchen counter without melting into a puddle. They went straight into the fridge. That should last me for two months. There were single pieces there too, of which the man and I ate them up first. Mmmmmm. 

I always welcome gifts of fruits. Longans and them green seedless grapes were juicy and crunchy. The one avocado is large and ripened beautifully. Those are always greedily eaten in this home. You know that thrill of slicing through a ripe avocado and seeing that soft green and yellow! 😂🥑 If you send me a box of avocados, that's like BIG LOVE. Hahaha. Oranges went into the best pressed juice; plums and the one pomegranate from B's fruit basket fed me for three days.    

Somehow these presents complement one another's! I could have them all for breakfast or brunch. Oof. With granola from Dearborn that was also gifted by H and G. The granola bowl was topped with fresh pomegranate seeds, and two squares of raspberry bar filled with a ridiculous amount of tangy raspberries (it's actually tangy, not sweet)

All mornings are accompanied by a cup of coffee. The bottles of cold brew coffee surprisingly lasted the man and I for two days — white (Honduras) for him, and black (Ethiopia) for me. Very tasty. Plenty of caffeine to fuel us for the day. The kombucha will last for a month in the fridge, it can even go for two months in there. 

Besides being super grateful to friends who made time to buy me a birthday meal (best when I'm still in good health and CAN EAT), and hang out. Texts and cards are no less important too, especially when the sender takes all the effort to craft and type a long message. I'm thankful for the thoughtfulness of the friends who like gift-giving and got me practical and delightful birthday gifts. ♡🖤

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