Saturday, February 19, 2022

Hot Soup on a Rainy Day!

When we made the lunch date, we didn't know that the food would complement the weather so well. Think, hot soup and rainy days! We had wanted noodles at Morsels, but the restaurant was booked full for the lunch hour. So V kindly had me over for lunch, and made all the arrangements for Arcade Fish Soup to deliver over to her home. 

That morning, it started raining at 7am, petered off at 10am, and remained cloudy all the way till sunset, drizzling all over the island at different timings. It was so cool that we didn't even need to run the AC. Just the fan made it all so chilly. Wheeeeee. On a rainy day, piping hot fish soup and thick noodles are the best. 

Dunno how the delivery logistics do it, but the soups arrived warm, fairly hot even. We didn't even need to re-heat them. The tubs containing the soup were pretty much made of paper; these types of waxed paper tubs would disintegrate if it takes too long to get to us. It stayed secure in the cling wrap. The noodles were separately packed, along with the chilli and fried garlic bits. 

V also brought out ichigo for tea. Aiyoh! The strawberries were so nicely cut and shaped! SLURRRRrrrrrrRRRRRpPppP. Couldn't resist having two cups of coffee! Oooof. I didn't have any in the morning, and my day started at 5.30am. I couldn't resist sprawling on the couch to read a new book. Managed to finish two short stories before it was time to go home to clear a few pieces of work. ☕️🍓♥️

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