Thursday, February 10, 2022

A Merry Birthday Dinner 🍣

The man asked me which Japanese restaurant I would like to dine at for my birthday. There were some hard-to-get tables at a few fancy new restaurants, and the ultra trendy smaller ones, but he was apparently able to score them. I was appreciative, but I declined. I requested for Miraku. 😃  

The new-to-us restaurants might be nice, and equally comfortable. However this dinner, I wanted something familiar in a venue that doesn't require me to spend four hours at dinner. I don't have four hours. I have two hours, then I want to get home to the dog who needs a bedtime pee and her dinner. Miraku fulfills my love for sushi and also trots them out at the speed I want. 

By now, Chef Hei knows all my preferences for his menus. He adjusted them accordingly. I made the booking for dinner tonight, so obviously I didn't tell them that it was meant to be my birthday dinner. I didn't want no fuss. Tonight, I had all the shiny fish I wanted. He also slipped in a slice of akami and another chutoro in spite of my aversion towards maguro in general. Dohhhhh. I still no like chutoro much, but akami is fine. I had earlier taken an antihistamine so that I could have bits of shellfish, and prawns. There was a lovely prawn dumpling in dashi that was delicious. 

I wanted to drink loads of sake. So I did — since the man was drove, I mostly polished off the two 720-ml bottles by myself and was slightly tipsy when I got home. Hahahahah. I have to be disciplined and not get drunk nowadays. Well, I don't like the feeling of being drunk and having to suffer the effects of it. Imagine vomitting all night and then feel bloody hungover the next day. Ugh. Importantly, I might be awakened by a dog who either has got the sudden runs or frightened of the rains, so I can't be dead asleep or woozy. If I already lack sleep, then I shouldn't add that much alcohol to the mix. 

Sayori | 鱵 | Japanese halfbeak.

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