Friday, February 11, 2022

Choya at Pilates Class

When I realized that the dog seemed to be having mild diarrhea after school (usually the day after), I did a little experiment and took her out of school on alternate weeks. On the weeks that she wasn't in school, there was no diarrhea. I'm quite convinced that her bacterial infection last November and December was picked up in school. She had been doing fine in school for two years and I wonder what new naughty habit she has acquired to cause these runs. 

Choya has a sensitive GI tract. Still, I flagged it to the school, just in case it's something infectious. *whispers ‘leptospirosis’  We never know. It's too coincidental. The other dogs seem fine though. My theories are simply a conjecture, not even a hypothesis, so I certainly don't expect the school to do anything. I let them know just in case they're able to discern a pattern across all daycare dogs. 

Choya didn't go to school that day either, and came with me to pilates. She usually settles down within 10 minutes and doesn't disrupt my class. She's a very good girl. I'm thankful that the pilates instructor allows her to come with!

The rains are back, so the girl's been nervous and jittery. The thunder hasn't been frighteningly loud, but she doesn't like it anyway. The noise phobia is real. So she's more comforted when her humans are around with her. 

The girl was very happy to come to pilates with me. She was a tad nervous too, since the rain clouds gathered during class. She could feel the barometric pressure drop. It wasn't her first visit, so she knew her way around the space. She found corners to hide in. Heh. After class, we managed to do a quick pee and a poop in before the rains came. 

It was a good class for me too. Private classes meant that I must utilize my time well, and put in 100% effort into the movements to maximize muscle mobility. Today saw loads of pelvic stretches and work on the obliques. The instructor focused on that for the entire hour. For some reason, I hadn't worked these muscles for a bit, and they would be so sore the next day. 

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