Wednesday, March 09, 2022

An Easy Night Out with the Dog

When Covid-Omicron got to our friends one by one, and we couldn't get together for the meal planned, the rest of us still went ahead. So many people I know are down C+ these two weeks, and recovering at home. Thankfully the science works, and their symptoms are considered mild. M and I decided to still meet for dinner on the same evening, but at another venue. We hadn't met for months, and this would be a fantastic chance to catch up, regardless. The dog was invited to come along! Ooooof. 

To Lino at Binjal Park we went. Even on rainy days, this is a sheltered al fresco area that we could sit at. There's never anything to complain about the food either. Choya trotted to dinner, found a cosy spot, got some head rubs, stretched, and settled down. She happily snoozed and chilled out while we ate. Choya's a very good girl. Now that she's so much older, she knows where I want her to be when we head out to dinner. She's usually under the table or under the chair in a corner, but still choosing a spot where she could see everything that's happening. 

We kept dinner light and easy. We didn't even order a bottle of wine. Opted for a glass each to start. Shared a delicious smoked scamorza salad, then for M, a main of baked halibut in parchment paper, and for me, pork bolognese gnocchi served parmesan melted in. It was a super satisfying dinner. We skipped dessert in favor of another glass of chianti. We should have just ordered a bottle. Hahaha. 

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