Thursday, March 03, 2022

Arcade Fish Soup's Frozen Base

I didn't know that Arcade Fish Soup sold their fish soup in frozen packs of 500ml each, till V ordered them for her freezer. What a brilliant idea. I should do that too. Their fish stock is pretty good, so now that I have space in the freezer (haha), I should just stock up some for rainy days, literally. When I ordered fish soup and noodles that day, I added two frozen packs. 

Broke out one pack tonight for dinner. Took it out early in the morning to thaw out in the fridge. At least I didn't have to wrestle with boiling up fish bones for the soup base. I could do that, but on busy days, if I have this decent option to utilize, why bother going out to get bones or boil up a pot and sieve like a mad woman?

On my way home from pilates, I bought half a head of wongbok, a small pack of eringi, and two fillets of red sea snapper and kurau (threadfin). Forgot to get tofu. Oops. Never mind. The mushrooms would do. Wongbok cooks very fast in soup, but I didn't have enough fish soup to boil half a head, so I needed a pot of dashi to do it. That was also used to blanch the mushrooms. 

Cut up the fish fillets, checked for bones, then marinated them. The fish would be seared, then placed in the fish soup later on. 500ml of fish soup was a substantial portion for the man and I. Lovely. He had the soup with ponni rice. I didn't feel like having rice, so it was just soup for me. It was raining cats and dogs that afternoon, cooling the grounds, and the surroundings. The soup made for a lovely dinner. 

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