Friday, March 18, 2022

Beef & Rice

Could you see the medium rare in the meat? 

It was my turn to cook dinner. I'm not that inventive. I would do beef, veggies and rice. Found a tray of two nice pieces of tenderloin at the supermarket. 300g or so. I forgot to check the label. I only saw the price and grinned. $22. Finally it was our turn to have lovely fillets of beef instead of getting it for the dog. 

Marinated the beef in the usual Worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar, bit of salt and soy sauce, black pepper, olive oil and garlic. Seared them, then sliced them to do a one-dish meal of sorts. It was perfect that the two fillets of beef were different in thickness. The same grill time would result in two done-ness — medium rare for the man and medium for me. Two minutes on each side. #ImpieCooks2022

Normally people would just do a steak, toss up a bit of salad and call it a meal. I kinda put an Asian spin on it. Stir-fried a pack of hydroponic nai bai that's sweeter than the normal. Chinese style, with Shaoxing wine and sesame oil. Hahahahah. It's not gyu-don. There were no sous vide eggs tonight. I did sprinkle furikake over the plate before serving. The man totally lapped it up. The tenderloin cut was truly tender, and the marinade made the meat was super tasty. This meal wasn't as strange as it sounded. It was quite delicious. Oof.

Mine! Done beautifully medium. 

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