Saturday, March 19, 2022

Heat Pads!

These dogs truly have the best life. I was at krav maga, then went all out at Ritual the next day. I'm usually okay with DOMS. It's the man who always screams about it. But DOMS got me bad this round. I hit the ground too many times during krav maga, and did way too many pull-ups at Ritual. Hahahah.  

The man caved and bought a Flow Mini in 2020 since he didn't feel like using the heavier TheraGun. He needs it for all the random aches he has. It's apparently been really helpful. He does use the heat pads and cold compress on his knees too, but less frequently. 

I rarely use the Flow Mini on myself unless it's that bad. So I had to use it this time, but I clean forgot about heat pads, till I warmed up Choya's to ease her tight hip flexors and iliopsoas. The lucky dog! Initially she shared heat pads with us. But now that RehabVet recommends us doing the heat pad thingy for her daily, I bought her one of her own. I prefer to use the manual heat pads — by heating it up in the microwave. I do not want electric ones, even if I'm supervising the usage on the dog's skin. 

Putting the heat pad on Choya in the nights before bedtime is the best timing for us. She's exercised, fed and relaxed. She loves the warmth of the heat pad, and on some nights, wants head rubs. She know I rarely give those, and asks for it when I'm seated next to her for these 15 minutes. She then promptly falls asleep after the heat pad 'treatment'. I admit I'm not that hardworking. I can likely do it for five nights a week for a stretch, and then get lazy about it. Hahahah.

All these achy joints in the family. I wish I have a bacta tank or a pod. 😂

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