Saturday, April 02, 2022

A New Set of 50 HIIT Classes

[Ritual gym abruptly ceased operations on 29 February 2024 and plunged straight into provisional liquidation.]

Finished the first package of 50 classes at Ritual two weeks ago. I didn't bother to sign up for an annual membership. Decided to buy a second package of 50 classes. I could do two classes a week. That's an achievable goal. I'm not interested to do more, or to commit more.

HIIT is a necessary part of the exercise regime. When I'm not particularly motivated to do burpees, I should just pop into the gym to force myself to do it. Classes work well so far. I don't have to think of what to do with myself. There really is no point doing just a slow or a half-burpee of sorts. A combo of burpee + push-up + jump is the most efficient. It takes up more time and it builds more strength and muscles.

Pull-ups on the ring still need a fair bit of work, but I'm getting there. The rings could go higher, and with elbows fully extended. But that means I can only do three good ones. Five would be a stretch for me at this point. At least I have stopped jumping when I'm fatigued. I'm 44, so. Keep it up, impie, keep it up.

Ritual has been pretty decent for me. I don't like the pandemic hours at this Raffles outlet I go to. They still don't open up slots between 10.30am to 3.30pm on week days. Those are the hours I want to work out. I'm forced to work around weird timings and weekends. However, I'm glad for the generous allowance in being allowed to cancel slots within a 35-minute window without penalty. That's quite important to me. At this point, tail-end of the pandemic, very few gyms allow that.

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