Friday, April 01, 2022

That Hummus at North Miznon

The BFF totally didn't have to. But she wanted to buy the man a birthday meal. So we trotted off to pita bistro Miznon's fancier cousin across at Amoy Street, North Miznon. We haven't had the chance to check it out earlier. Even with restaurants lamenting poor business and pandemic closures, an equal number of new ones have sprung up, and it's tough for us to keep up with all these new menus. 

The menu at North Miznon is not exactly representative of Israeli food. Neither does it seek to present it as such. It's simply the sort of comforting flavors that Chef Eyal Shani loves and has decided to showcase in this second restaurant's menu. It's a varied mix of Mediterranean flavors. The friends aren't hot about his Manhattan/NYC restaurant, and thought it more apt for lunch than dinner. As for us, we didn't mind the menu in Singapore at all! Lunch might be better than dinner. It would be less noisy, and also, palatable since alcohol selections aren't so limited, and it won't do if you're looking to drink in the nights. Hmmmpf. 

There was a dessert table. It was all of their five choices of desserts on a low table. We were seated right next to it. After seeing the display table, and how diners kept going there to talk over it without wearing masks, and saw the handling of desserts without gloves and the server using her not-gloved left hand + fingers to 'scoop' up the cakes/tarts, we were like hmmmmm. How noob can she be?!!! The desserts weren't even covered after being taken out to be sliced/served. Then we observed how the unruly hair of the server, and we literally saw two strands fall onto the cakes. OMG. 😱 The BFF and I were like okaaaaaayyy......... we're NEVER HAVING DESSERT in this restaurant. Not when the desserts are presented in this manner. NEVER EVER. 

The crab meat spaghetti and mushroom pappardelle were gorgeous! The starters were great — fig 'carpaccio' and feta cheese, fabulous hummus with prawns, mesabaha of lima beans. The man was totally gushing over the hummus. He didn't expect it to go so well with prawns, and North Miznon does such a good hummus. The secret to a good hummus is also in the tahini used. I didn't know why these people ordered a kebab. We were full before that arrived at the table. Well, the man had enough space to finish it all. Gosh, the bread was complimentary and it was freshly baked focaccia with olives and tomatoes served with creme fraîche. The kitchen must have trotted out at least 10 trays of bread from the oven to the table while we were there!   

The restaurant is very very loud indoors. That night, they played music really loudly, resulting in even louder table conversations. So go at night if you're up for that. It's not a quiet venue. (Although it might be quieter at lunch.) We literally had to shout at the server for our orders to be heard. We didn't mind it that night because it had been two years since loud music was heard in restaurants. I LOL when ABBA's 'Dancing Queen' came on. WALAOEH. 😂

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