Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Congee for Breakfast

Since the dog woke me up at 5am, I couldn't get back to sleep. Luckily for me, I slept at 11pm the night before, so I got sufficient rest. Decided to prep breakfast for the man. Congee. And also prep enough so that it would be brunch for myself.

The few times I made it to Tiong Bahru to eat at the morning congee stall, it was closed! Randomly on a Thursday and Friday. I didn't know what was going on. While it wasn't a special trip made to have congee, I had a craving for it and thought I'd eat it after walking the dog. Sadly I didn't get to taste it for a few weeks. Decided to cook congee to satisfy my own craving.

Thawed out a few pieces of fish, and a box of chicken and pork stock. Threw in some dried cuttlefish, used a handful of rice and cooked an easy pot of congee in the rice cooker. Crisped up day-old dough sticks in the oven and sliced up some spring onions. Cracked open a century egg. The cooker was done in 90 minutes. Wheeeeee. The volume was just nice to fill up two big bowls for two, or three small bowls for three people. I like congee. It makes for a filling and easy meal for my stomach. Nutritious? Yeah, I suppose it would do. #ImpieCooks2022

Our coriander plant is sprouting like crazy. So I snipped off a few stalks as a topper for the man. He loves his coriander, regardless of the timing of the day. He likes hot, hearty and savory breakfasts. I'm not going to be able to make thosai, so he would have to contend with congee. Luckily for me, he didn't mind this bowl at all! He was hungry and needed a light bite before heading to the gym.


coboypb said...

Yummy congee! I used to love coriander but don't have any luck in growing it from seeds. Been disappointed by the quality of the coriander from Fairprice supermarket which spoils easily after a few days.

imp said...

the Click and Grow works very well for coriander and basil!