Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Walkies with Ryo

It has been raining loads in the afternoons and evenings. (At least it gives us the morning to play and poop, and I can still sleep in the nights.) So I adjust my work calls and try to take her out more often in the mornings. Her walkers have gone on a vacation; she doesn't have the benefit of pack walks for a few weeks — I have to keep her occupied.

Made a date with N and Ryo to pop out for a morning stroll. It's not a special arrangement. Botanics is convenient for both N and I to get to, and since we have to walk our dogs anyway on a day our schedules match, we might as well meet for a bit.

Toddled off to the Botanics to make a round. It's a short stroll and we can be done in less than 45 minutes. That time is sufficient for the dogs to make a few pees and if they want to, a poop. This Choya ate half a wing of her toy goose on Saturday night. I need to watch her for a few days in case of intestinal blockage. Ugh. It has been > 48 hours, and both her poops look fine, in her usual volume, and solid. I do have to continue watching her for the week. Ugh. I watch her loads anyway, but it's just the additional load of having this worry at the back of my mind.    

The lazy floofs were done in 45 minutes. Ha! It was a hot morning, and once they walked around, peed loads, pooped and sniffed a little, they were happy to trot back to the car. We decided to stop for a coffee and an açaí bowl. The floofs didn't mind. They snoozed while we chatted. 

N and I met because of our floofs, and a tentative friendship is formed because we genuinely like each other, and share a similar outlook on many aspects, and much common ground. In that sense, while we do talk about other matters, the main topic of our conversation is still really very much about the floofs. It's a comfortable friendship.

N is always worried that Ryo might snap at Choya. So far, it's Choya who has bared fangs at him... over food in a bowl. But from all signs and body language, I have confidence in Ryo. He doesn't like being cornered. Choya doesn't corner him; she leaves him be, so it works out fine. Ryo is rather particular about his fwens. Choya counts as one of those whom he doesn't mind and does get along rather well with. They can chill out together. They just can't eat their main meals within sight of each other. Choya guards that food bowl possessively. LOL

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