Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Off to a New GP for Choya

Since our favorite doctor left Companion Animal Surgery 1.5 years ago, we have been shuttling between doctors. I've come to feel that clinic can't meet my needs anymore. Of course the clinic is competent and reputable. They do fine for regular medical procedures, but anything else more holistic, they can't seem to handle it, nor do they seem to have the disposition to manage the increasingly demanding owners. They always make me feel that I should get a second opinion.  

I can't deal with their limited prescriptions and perspectives when it comes to canine diarrhea. I cannot deal with all the doctors recommending that Choya be fed on kibbles. Hypoallergenic kibbles. NO NO NO. They aren’t willing to work with me on the diet I prefer to feed. DO THESE DOCTORS TAKE SASHIMI OR SUSHI? And I especially cannot deal with doctors insisting that it was fine giving Choya antibiotics two months in a row. 

Gentle Oak has been strongly recommended to us as a go-to. At Ghim Moh Road, it is really far for us. A chorus of "Nonsense. I'll come over and drive you" reverberated off my phone. Aiyoh, y'all need to be so scary or not. Okay no need to drive me. Hahahaha. Well, it's an easy drive, but it is a 30-minute drive, and it takes ages to get an appointment. But it has to be done. I'm also breaking my own rules of not seeing friends officially at their clinics in their professional capacity as doctors. But for Choya, fine. At the very least, a friend would totally know where I stand when it comes to nutrition and balanced meals. And quality. 

Trudged over for a first consult with the doctor of our choice. I do like Gentle Oak's venue since it currently offers big green fields for a pee before and after the visit, and sufficient space to soak up uhhhh any minor explosions of stress colitis. It's not a hospital though. For that and specialist diagnosis/treatment, I'll still have to be referred to Beecroft and VES. Of course when Choya ages, let's see if new ones get established. 

This first consult went well. Besides a chat to find out what my philosophy is as a pet parent, the doctor took time to understand Choya's medical issues, all of which currently stemmed from her imbalanced microbiome. There was only a physical examination done, and no injections of any sort. The good thing about laboratory tests — they're facts and can be ported over from clinic to clinic.  

Dog was so damn sus all the way. Her face tickled me to no end. She didn't like the physical examination at all. It's not that she doesn't like to be touched. At the doctors', she equates being touched as a prelude to an injection. At the physical examination, she was so terrified that she refused to be held down. She gave me many scratches and two good deep ones. Dammit. 

Also, I've found my preferred brand and formulation of probiotics (pre and post) at the clinic! Taken only thrice a week, Synbiotic D-C seems to be good for Choya. Nowadays, there's very little difference between those bought off-the-shelves vs vet-prescribed. It's just a matter of which formulation works for your floof. I'll consider Gentle Oak, but it's really far from us. So I'll see how it goes. If I need emergency treatment, this clinic wouldn't be my first choice. 


Anonymous said...

She has that look on her face that reads: 'Mama deserved it'.

imp said...

Pfffft. she's a bully.