Wednesday, April 20, 2022

One Pot Fish Soup + Mee Tai Mak

The packs (500ml each) of frozen soup from Arcade Fish Soup are really super handy. They make meal prep such a breeze. In the middle of the week, it's nice to have something light but hearty in this way, as opposed to all the red meats and grease and well, cheese. Heh.

The soup base is so versatile. The other time, I simply made it a fancier fish soup by adding loads of fish to it; ponni rice accompanied that meal. Tonight, it was simply a soup base. Sure, there was ikan kurau added, but the chosen carbs were mee tai mak (is it called 'rice pin noodles' in English). I love mee tai mak, but forgot about having that till I spotted the packs in the supermarket. They're 'freshly made', so I can't keep them beyond a certain date.

I usually use two pots — one to heat up the fish soup and to have that blanch fish, silken tofu and wongbok to add flavors, and the other is filled with dashi to boil up the other ingredients. Tonight, the pot with dashi was used to boil up shiitake, Fuzhou fishballs, tofu puffs, and the carbs of mee tai mak. The whole meal took less than an hour to assemble. Although it would be ideal to marinate the fish in soy or mrin with ginger, onions and coriander for an hour or so. #ImpieCooks2022

The man was sooooo happy with this meal. Hmmm. Okay. I ain't complaining if this is the kind of simple food he likes. It's super clean cooking and totally fuss-free. Kimchi accompanied his bowl since he loves that bit of spiciness. I still prefer chilli padi in the soup! I love mee tai mak, and it's much easier to deal with at home over kway teow. Slurrrrrrrrp.

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