Monday, May 16, 2022


Thank goodness Storytel doesn't just offer audio books. It has digital books too. It curates a rather different list from other libraries. Forgot that I had this in the bookshelf. Opened up《阴阳夺命师》、柿子会上树著 and took my time to read all 1157 pages of it. 

This book belongs to the growing pool of Chinese web novels. Within them, I like the genre of 'xianxia', 仙侠. I like it because these stories usually center around Chinese martial arts, folklore, the supernatural, fantasy and magic. The only drawback, the books aren't usually released in full — they do it chapters by chapters. I could seek them out online, but if it's available as a whole book on an easily accessible library and offline, then I'll read it there. 

This book centers around the supernatural. The protagonist is Lin Feng 林风, a young man in his early twenties whose family gave him away as a child to be raised a Taoist Master of sorts. Apparently he's such a man of 'yin' that he will cast misfortune on his relatives, and all who are near and dear to him. He has been designated to be the next 'Grim Reaper' 夺命师, a taker of souls slated to die. He becomes an unwilling acolyte to the current Reaper named Sheng 生. After a few 'trials and tribulations', this Reaper Master passed, and Lin Feng finally accepts his designated immortal role — a human who'll live for a thousand years to carry out the instructions of the King of Hell, partnering Death in her role, retrieving souls and spirits who have been designated dead. 







Lin Feng isn't just a regular human. He's a descendant of the Ghost Tribe which flourished 800 years ago. That explains his raw talent in the magic arts, and easy ascent into being a Reaper 夺命师, instead of being a Yin Yang Master 阴阳师 in the Taoist way like his Master. He's lousy in some aspects of subduing malevolent spirits and ghosts, but brilliant in other forms of magic arts, say, creating magic seals, 结印. 

We follow Lin Feng's journey as a nobody to a somebody, and there's even some sort of character growth and maturity. We witness the ghouls and spirits and humans he deals with along the way. He has an assorted plethora of help, 'brothers' and such. Damn epic. I LOVED IT. 


What literary value though? LOL The language is reflective of our times. It can be a tad annoying at times. But never mind. The story and its hole-ridden plot are thoroughly entertaining. I can visualize it as a 49-episode television drama series. Or a 2-hour film. There's an element of romance with his boss, Lady Death, who's described as a 'cold beauty', and an eventual happy ending with her, and a daughter. The scriptwriters will have some work to do. Hahaha. 

The typos are so plentiful and laughable. I was going to ignore them, but the typos got worse and worse with each chapter; 150/1157 pages in — I got really irritated. Is it '全套' or '圈套'? The typos were on every page, and whoever typed this, could even use the wrong characters for the protagonists' names, for example, '冷一轩' to '冷意轩' to '冷以轩'. It was like this all the way till the end of the novel. ‘体温’ became ‘提问’ in the same line as the typist typed ‘温度’.

This is obviously not a software issue. This is an eyesight issue. The typist couldn't be bothered to do simple proofreading to take pride in his work. He probably didn't even re-read what he just typed. He couldn't even choose the right words using pinyin. WALAOEH. The publisher didn't hire a proofreader to go through this a second time either. Tsk tsk. I almost wanted to cut the typist some slack to say that he was overworked. But pages and pages of typos told me that this was pure laziness. Terribly shoddy.   

This one takes the 'Best Typo Award' in this book. 
TBH, '离魂症' and '离婚症' are about the same.

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