Saturday, May 07, 2022

Poached Fillets of Chicken

The man and I don't fix cooking days at home. We cook when our schedules permit. We've managed to cook quite often. We do like to eat the dishes that come out of our kitchen too. These are nothing fancy, and simply sustenance. When we eat out this often, it can get jelak, and all I want is to have plain noodles or congee. So it's nice to just eat something cooked in our own pots about twice a week.

Decided to cook tonight. That was mainly because I wanted to have vegetables. Sliced up stuff to do a yasai itame with mainly cabbage and some pork. Those cubes of Borrowdale free range pork was meant to be for Choya, steamed. (She somehow loves cooked pork.) But 100g was way too little, so I upped it to 200g; sliced up the rest to stir-fry with the vegetables. Hahaha. 

The man would need a larger portion of protein. Chicken it was. Didn't bother with a whole chicken. Bought some lovely fillets of breasts, tenderloin and thighs (with skin). Sat them on the cabbage stems and thicker leaves, and marinated them. Then steamed the tray. Today I used the steamer. You could also save yourself the trouble of taking out the steamer and use the sous vide stick instead. That works beautifully too. The fillets of chicken turn out equally tender and flavorful. It's just a different method of cooking. Sous vide is usually less messy. #ImpieCooks2022 

Fillets cook through faster than a whole chicken. I often have to stick a thermometer into the chicken to see if it's truly cooked through. The usual wolfberries, red dates, dried scallops and oysters were soaked in a bowl for hours, and all of it went into the tray. The bit of 'juice' that came through after steaming became a lovely light soup of sorts. The man loves poached chicken when it's done tasty. Have it with sambal belachan, that totally adds a whole new dimension to the meal.

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