Tuesday, May 17, 2022


I was invited to lunch with J and M at Frieda. They were catching 'Faghag' next door and had time for a leisurely lunch before the show. The restaurant's weekday lunch sets are good, except that they aren't available on weekends. But there're some decent options for weekends. Of course we skipped the weekend brunch buffet. We couldn't eat that much. A la carte options are best for us.

My eyes lit up when I saw the menu. Spargelfzeit! Albeit muted style in in Singapore. But hey, WHITE ASPARAGUS. It's in season! I had to have that. They offered it as soup too. Naaaah, I'm not fond of creamy soups, unless I'm having only soup and bread. Then that would be fine enough. I'll just have it straight up steamed. I dithered between 250g or 500g of white asparagus. Heh. 

M joined me in the order for white asparagus too — she had hers with forest ham and salad. J opted for a half portion of sausage with their house salad. All Hollandaise sauce came at the side. We also had time for a coffee. I hadn't seen these ladies in ages, and it was really nice to chat IRL. And it was hilarious to be talking about rhabdo — I thought I had it just last week — and learning about a new recovery program for rhabdo at SGH. Hahahaha. 

My stomach was very pleased. Lunch was light, as I had desired. Decadent and absolutely satisfying — white asparagus and mash with one small juicy tomato. I ate 500 grams of white asparagus all by myself. ✌🏻   


D said...

Comment on 阴阳夺命师

I'm super interested in this! haven't read any Chinese book since forever, but the excerpt you posted seems easy enough. I've to ask this before I start though: is it very scary? on a scale of 1-10, I can do up to 5-6. anything more than that I'd better skip it :D :D

imp said...

Hmmm. I don't think it's scary lehhh. The description of the ghosts aren't vivid enough and the vocabulary used is limited. it isn't flamboyant, so it's as scary as your own imagination paints it out to be.

Storytel requires a subscription. Do you use NLB's e-reader app called Libby? NLB's chinese catalogue is decent too, but i don't think they have this book. Although, you can easily find it online anyway. hahahah.

D said...

Thanks Imp. I found it on a website so I'm reading with an iPad / my phone there. You're right it's not scary cos it's written like a normal person telling me a story. With lotsa typos too. Mine's in 繁体字 though which is different from yours. So I wonder what's the original.
Yes I hv NLB's libby but I've never explored Chinese books as I read very slowly in Chinese. This web novel though, is easy enough as it's almost like conversational Chinese. ;D

imp said...

wahahahahahaha. okay can. just enjoy it for the brainless fun!

i cannot read cerebral books for leisure. i need fun books.

D said...

yes me too! only fun books nowadays!

btw, I've just realised there's a button on the website to toggle between 简体字 and 繁体字 ! Silly me! Read 12 chapters on 繁体字 before I saw the button. haha

imp said...

tehehehehe. happy reading!