Tuesday, May 03, 2022

To Tanjong Beach!

This time last year was traumatic for us — when a monkey bit and ripped Choya's stomach. It has been one year, and Choya has fully healed. But the humans' PTSD is real. We've assiduously avoided monkeys since. 

We made a date with Ryo and took the floofs to the beach. Hung out for the morning at Tanjong Beach at Sentosa. The beaches were not too packed out, but the nearby carparks were chock-full. The Daddies were MVPs to drop us off, and went to park farther away, and walked a good 20 minutes to us with the heavy beach bags. 

It was Choya's first visit to Tanjong Beach and she was crazy happy. We've stopped by Palawan Beach, usually before dinner, so we never lingered. This morning, she had all the time to chill out and even snooze on the beach. She asked to run, so I dropped the leash and let her be. She didn't run too far from me, and I watched her closely with the other floofs. Intervened in one potential snarky encounter, and the rest were fine. 

I had my big sun visor, so I was extremely okay to hang around. It was quite a perfect morning — clear but cloudy, providing much needed shade instead of blistering rays of sun. It was comfortable. So we stayed a tad longer than we normally do.

She was so thrilled. Her little mind was blown! She knew it was a 'nicer' beach than the oft-visited East Coast Park. She couldn't stop digging in the sand. She picked a spot to dig a grand hole. And promptly laid down in it. She snoozed and woke 10 minutes later and realized she could still continue to snooze and be here to enjoy the sand and the breeze. She couldn't believe her luck! Hahaha.

Ryo wanted to swim to the little sandbank across, but the water was deeper today, so he decided to turn back halfway. Choya didn't want to go into the water at all. After a while, I plucked her up and dipped her in. She swam around to get her bearings, then made a beeline for shore. WIN LOR. She loves swimming in a pool, but has never indicated any liking for swimming in the open sea.

Never again, Labor Day of 2021. I'll protect you forever. My happy sunshine girl. 

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