On a day when I had to be out the whole day at work and such, I had to ask for permission to take Choya along with me to the two meeting venues and also to Gyrotonic class. Thankfully for me, the venues and humans were all accommodating. I wouldn't even have dared to ask if I'm not confident of Choya's temperament and training. She has been exposed to different situations with both humans and floofs, and uhhh wildlife; I can usually predict or manage them as they flow.
Choya did wonderfully. It wasn't a waste of time for me or my work associates and gyro instructor. She quietly sat with me during the meetings. The work associates almost forgot that she was there. We weren't at cafes. We were in the meeting rooms at the offices. The good thing about offices — they're quiet enough and Choya almost always settles down within 5 minutes. Choya was happily snoozing here and there. In between she got easy strolls and a few pees in.
Choya is always welcomed at the pilates studio. But I haven't taken her to the gyrotonic studio simply because the instructor's hands are tied. She would need to clear with her landlord. And I don't want to trouble her this way, until that day. My instructor finally saw Choya for the first time! Wheeeeeee! She was rather unobtrusive. The gyro instructor was rather fond of this cat-like dog. I got in a proper stretch and the ribs and spine rotated.
Ahhhhh.... my smol girl was so well behaved that day. She wasn't stressed at all. I'm soooooooo proud of her. ('Place' training works. Positive reinforcement produces great results. Keep at it.) Choya came home, ate a yummilicious dinner and was mentally exhausted. She promptly collapsed in bed and slept for nine hours straight. Woooohooo. I got in ten solid hours of sleep. OMG.
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