Saturday, July 30, 2022

Miss July

Ahhh, the month is coming to the end. There goes my calendar girl for July. Boss & Olly included Choya in their 2022 calendar, and she is Miss July. Heh. We provided the photographs, and the brand picked one to be featured. I didn't use the phone to capture these shots by the beach. I used an actual camera to capture hi-res RAW files. Choya always gives me her brightest smiles.

Of course this is an unpaid 'gig'. I don't bother signing Choya to any floof social media agency. Yup, those exist, and it's a competitive yet maybe big-enough business. I'm too lazy to bother with posting regular stuff, and I'm not keen to pimp her out as brand ambassador to whatever brands, and compromise both our integrity. There're many habits that we practice which aren't typical of other pet owners or canine consumers. I don't need to share 'discount codes' with 'mates'. There're plenty of those floating around on IG and whatever other platform. It's for public usage anyway. And often, when you opt to use whichever discount code on a relevant brand, the floof/owner gets a commission. If they hit enough numbers, they get paid. 

If I pimp out her for ads and such, I won't be asking for payment; and I might or might not want the brand's products. Hahahahahah. As always, Choya's comfort comes first in any project that I do with her. If she's stressed, then it's tough to capture her adorable expressions. If she gets to play, then she's all derpy. Oooof.   

This is why nobody buys commercial treats for Choya. Not even those packs of meats air-dried at home or sold at decent pet bakeries. She doesn't care about treats and she doesn't need treats. I'm not a snacker, and I won't have her be one and overload her GI tract with too much nasties. Any 'treat' she ingests is her actual food.... or well, cheese rather frequently now. Some friends are very clever. They've gotten hints of what to buy her, and good quality meats have turned up at our door. Oof. Buy Choya a fillet of grass-fed beef tenderloin or venison!

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