Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Smart Weighing Scale

I love how technology evolved and improved. The smart weighing scale wasn't something that many people used. Now, the usage of BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) is the standard. The weak electrical current sent through your body picks up everything you hold within. Arguably, accuracy depends on how well the current passes through your body. It's the algorithm that is important, and how wide the variances are.

The man bought a Renpho scale, synced up the app and stepped onto it to measure his health metrics. He wanted to track his weight loss and whatever progress to match his Lumen stats. I watched him with amusement. I never bother much about weighing myself. If I look into the mirror and I'm satisfied, and I feel good overall, then we're okay. 

The man is weighing himself daily. Okaaayy. He created a profile for me and made me step onto the weighing scale too. He said he was curious about my metrics. Dohhhhh. Seriously. I'm not as obsessed as he is. I won't be weighing myself every day. 

I looked at the stats. BMI isn't a big concern riiiight. Okay, this basic breakdown looks decent. Nothing is troubling on the superficial side. My protein intake is adequate. Renpho sets standard protein intake between 14.5% to 16%. Mine is at 17.7%. 

My weight fluctuates between 46kg to 49kg. That's fine. I can't hold it at 50kg because I'm not building enough muscle to do so. I shouldn't be eating till I hit 50kg. If 50kg is achieved through eating, my love handles would pop out. The flab would be pretty obvious. So the scales agreed, and apparently I need to increase my muscle mass by a huge margin. 

My subcutaneous fat is low too. Nice. That's more of a concern at my age isn't it? My metabolic age is 40. Hmmm. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) doesn't factor in physical activities. It simply measures the number of calories my body requires to function while at rest. Well, I always know that I have a very slow heart rate at rest, and IBS ensures that I take food that my body can digest easily. So I suppose that all helps with my metabolism. If it slows, I feel sluggish.

The man is upset because his metabolic age is 50. Ermmmm. That is older than his 47 years. He does need to watch his food and exercise. He's doing that even more now. He couldn't even breathe into the Lumen last week. This week, he's breathing better, but not quite ready for HIIT at the gym. He's making a conscious effort to eat cleaner, and exercise smarter. I have told him that doing HIIT and weights won't help him with metabolic rate; he needs to be stretching a lot more.

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