Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Aunty J’s Nyonya Mee Siam 🧡

OMG We ate so much at lunch. You can't tell me mee siam without me slurping two big bowls. I did 2.5 bowls because N happily scooped half of her portion into my plate. Dohhhh. There was a delicious plate of cilicuka for the fried chicken, but I slurpped it up with the mee siam anyway. 

We’ve been soooo pampered to have eaten Aunty J’s nyonya mee siam for years now, along with popiah (I love popiah parties very much), and every other awesome dish. It was such a wondering gathering. We always look forward to meals here, and we'll enjoy it for as much as we can. Maximum appreciation from us for the fabulous homecooked fare that none of us (in this circle) can replicate. 🧡

Aunty J wasn't done just feeding us savory items. There were so many dessert options! We were truly celebrating S and N's seventh wedding anniversary. Teheheheheheh. I blinked at what appeared on the table. Tiramisu, jelly cakes, and fruits. I was like, 'oh this green guava is all ripe really sweet!' Next thing I know, a guava rolled into my lap. A WHOLE GUAVA. Aunty J meant for me to take it home. 

I couldn't stop laughing at the guava. I hugged it all the way home. I didn't just go home with the guava. I went home with a whole bag of groceries. There were pickled belimbing, jelly cakes, home-fried fish keropok, and yes, the guava. Luckily I didn't go to lunch empty-handed. I brought Le Cafe's beancurd tarts and a small slab of marble cake to contribute to their week's dessert.   

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