Thursday, October 20, 2022

Grilled Lobster & Tater Tots

I love lobsters and I miss the old Pince and Pints on Duxton Road loads. That had fresh lobsters and the kitchen cooks it the way I like. I love their whole lobster with laksa or beehoon. There're plenty of restaurants offering lobster linguine and such, but not that many options for grilled lobster the way Pince and Pints did it.  

We stop by Armoury Steak House quite a bit because they take dogs. Most restaurants with outdoor seating in South Beach take dogs. Yay. They have a meat buffet at $33++ or $55++ (with beer) per person. That's quite clever pricing that would bring in the groups and fill the tables. I'd prefer to sit outdoors too, because the smells of the grill are too strong indoors. Ventilation isn't enough that way; the exhaust fans aren't powerful enough. 

The menu is fine by me. Very homestyle easy local pasta flavors, loads of bar bites (think, fried food), and some salads. choice of steaks aren't too exciting, but they were sufficient for us. Importantly, there's a lean Angus tenderloin from Australia ~260g for the man. That always works for him. Tonight, he ordered the tenderloin as well, and added sides of two cute scallops and sweet potato fries. This was considered a medium-carb load day for him. 

I wanted lobster. Had a serious craving for it suddenly. Popped an antihistamine. There was a live lobster in the tank. I kinda gulped, but ordered it anyway. Sorry lobster. Asked for it to be grilled plain with salt and have the lemon garlic butter sauce served at the side. 700g of lobster wasn't that much. Portions were just right for one diner. Opted for sides of aglio olio linguine and THIS — TATER TOTS. Hahahaha. They charge $15 for tater tots with cheese mayo as an appetiser-size. But I prefer it plain, and the kitchen could easily do that. Do not mess with my tater tots. What an extremely satisfying meal. 

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