Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Choya is 5! 🧡

My Smol Girl has turned 5. She is a happy and confident girl, but timid when it comes to thunderstorms and loud noises. She likes her peace and quiet. 

Of course she doesn't know anything about birthdays. She doesn't actually get anything extra since she gets loads of attention from us. A fancy afternoon snack in the form of raw Iwagaki oyster in chicken bone broth was very eagerly lapped up though. Hurhurhur. 

Kept her birthday celebrations quiet this year. She met her fwens separately on different days. I don't go overboard on any sort of celebrations; that would be too extravagant and frankly, requires too much effort. I don't feed her new and special birthday foods that deviate from her usual proteins. I can't control bacterial infections picked up from outdoor walks, but I can control food-induced bouts of stomach upset. Any lapse on my part regarding food choices and portions would result in unwelcomed shitsplosions. 

I can't be more grateful for the past three months of solid poop and a regulated GI tract. The poor girl hasn't had much luck with stomach issues (it's certainly not a wonky GI tract and digestive system) these two years. I feel that I've failed her. With no more school/daycare and wilful rehab clinic heads putting unwanted ointment on her, her GI tract has had sufficient time to heal and her gut lining has fully regenerated. I'm glad she can have some peace and stability in her stomach now.

Of all the dogs I've ever had, this is the one I truly love. This Smol Girl has stolen my heart. She is the one most telepathically linked to me. She reads me so well. We always have loads of fun out on walks and such. She loves running errands with me. I think she feels useful. Hahaha. I only hope I read her well enough to meet her mental needs too. At this point, I can still be greedy and wish for 10 more good years with Choya. 

Be well, my little dingo. 🦊♡


coboypb said...

Strong bonds and affection. Happy for you and Choya! :)

imp said...
