Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Newly Renovated But Same Same

This was our first visit to Samy's since their renovation in August. They've been at this location for the past 50 years. They would have to do renovations every few years, and do regular maintenance of the premises. This round, they got a new paint job, added lights, changed the tiles, added wooden panels, and these somehow made the interiors hotter than before. Ugh. The ceiling fans are insufficient to circulate and cool the restaurant. If we're here at lunch, we might as well sit outdoors. 

The food and drinks counters have been combined and are now moved to one long side of the room, making it more coherent for the servers to sort out orders and send out ready items. The cashier counter (and the altar) is still where it has always been. The AC private room at the back is still there with fancy wooden panels. 

Tonight was mad crowded and chaotic, but the receptionist and host was sterling at her job. She kept everyone's names on the table list and ushered each group of diners in whenever a table frees up. Our orders were also promptly taken. The kitchen churned out food equally fast. Utterly efficient. Nothing was lacking in this process. The kitchen doesn't crumble under pressure. 

This table was here for what else, chicken liver masala and fish head curry. Of all restaurants, we still like Samy's fish head curry best. That hasn't changed. Whewwwwww. This isn't a restaurant we could come as a duo anymore. We need a three, minimally, in order to share the food. Also ordered masala chicken and mutton Mysore. Skipped the black squid because we couldn't eat that much. We all opted for white ponni rice; all the better to soak up the curries. Tonight's sambar was super on point — it was thick and full of vegetables. 

I could never resist ordering a coconut each time; and I need to quaff two of them. There's just something awesome about chilled Thai coconuts; they're thirst-quenching and hits the sugar spot. Dunno what everyone's diet and calorie count was for tonight, but we all busted it. Everyone's stomach was happy. We'll just have to make it up tomorrow and burn off the calories. 

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