Friday, October 14, 2022

Out at Lunch with Smol Girl

For three nights in a row, the thunderstorms at night frightened the skin out of Choya. The thunder went on and on for hours. Needless to say, I was woken up each time the thunder crackled. Smol Girl demanded to be carried and be walked around like that. If I sat down or lay down, she would climb onto me and claw me till I got up. Haizzzzzzz.

I was this close to dosing her with Gabapentin, but I stuck to giving her a herbal supplement. Chamomile, passion flower, lemon balm, valerian root and hops make up this herbal dosage. Her appetite diminishes with the dreary weather. It's not so much of the rain, it's the thunder that she fears. If it's storming badly, she wouldn't even eat even if she's hungry. She has learnt to be less hysterical about it, but she is still frightened.

Smol Girl could easily pee in the rain. But she wouldn't bother to stay to poop and get wet. That morning, I stared at her butt. Oh she definitely has poop, and she really shouldn't hold it in. So I still took her out to poop at mid-day. She was soooo happy to be out and about in town. It was cloudy, but some sun shone through and the skies held dry. 

I was a total zombie. I don't do well without sufficient sleep; I need about 7 or 9 hours of sleep a day. It's not as if I can nap in the day. I don't have a habit of doing that or the luxury of time to do so. On these days, I don't even dare to over-do the coffee, in case I get a caffeine-induced headache. 

So that day. I had a pocket of free time. Considering that Choya made me this sleep-driven, I couldn't believe I still took her out to poop (she did and was quick about it), and instead of taking her home straight, I sat down with her for lunch and let her have a little snooze after watching the world go by. AIYOH. Luckily I had no human companion — it would have been a waste of her/his time; I would have been completely incoherent. 

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