Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Pita Pockets

Grabbed an easy dinner with V at Miznon. We wanted its easy pita pockets. Got them! Brisket and mozzarella for V, and a Folded Cheeseburger for me; I loved that fried egg with runny egg in there. Mmmm.... My standard order at Miznon is like an upgraded McD's cheeseburger. Also shared a lovely plate of charred mushrooms with spring onions, sour cream and chilli

I considered ordering one more item — either the calamari or the whole head of broccoli. But I wisely chose not to. Luckily I didn't. These portions were more than enough to keep us full. Our stomachs aren't as expandable as our tastebuds these days. It wasn't a crowded night at the restaurant, and our food came fast enough.

Decided not to adjourn to another bar for drinks. Too lazy to bother. The point is to see V and chat, not to drink and get tipsy. I could do with fewer drinks. The questionable wine list at Miznon means that we don't bother much with alcohol. Opted for beer tonight. Two cold glasses of Asahi for each of us went well with the food, and they made for a good dessert. Oof. 

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