Friday, November 18, 2022

Steak & Eggs + Greens

Since I was pressed for time, I had to get some groceries via AmazonFresh to prep an easy dinner. Often, I prefer to shop for fresh foods in person at the store, but today, I had no choice but to do so online because of its fantastic 2-hour delivery promise. 

Added a pack of baby spinach and butterhead to the webcart. I also had no choice but to buy the only options of decent-looking (from the photo) tenderloin fillet on the site. The chilled meat delivered by AmazonFresh had the worst reviews. It's supplied by Meat Co. and the ones bought were supposed to be Argentinian. Okaaaay. Whatever.  

This batch of tenderloin fillets arrived chilled and well-sealed, and turned out fine. Nothing was near stale or tough. They weighed 200g each. Threw on salt and pepper and seared them in butter. Hardly took any effort. It was the salad that required more prep in the dressing and slicing of ingredients. And used up a two-week-old avocado that I forgot about. 

The whole point of dinner was so that I could cook an egg for the dog. Since the man was on long calls till 7.30pm, I was in charge of his dinner too. Fine. Steak and eggs. With a side of greens. These were easy stuff to prep and cook for a meal. 

Smol Girl loves having her eggs sunny-side-up. (I've got no issues doing it in a non-stick pan with no oil.) She loves breaking the yolk over her raw meats and slurping it all up. Hahahah. She's happy to eat it raw too. Sometimes, I do sear her food since grilled or sous vide toppers add a different flavor to her raw bowl. 

The man was happy with his steak. He requested for a sunny-side-up as well. Okay. It might have been less strange if it became a gyu-don of sorts. Hahahah. For myself, tonight I wanted a sorta scrambled / half-omelette. I didn't really care if the meal was weird. They tasted fine to me when eaten together. I didn't hear any complaints from the man either. Hurhurhur.

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