Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A Festive Table at Milano Pizza

Went to Milano Pizza for a festive lunch with the friends. Hadn't seen them for a few months with everyone back to traveling on work trips and stuck in long trials, consults and conferences. It was lovely to catch up with them over a looong casual lunch. The restaurant wasn't that crowded, surprisingly. 

Shared loads of food, so there was no pressure to eat so much. Whewww. The zucchini pizzette held whipped bottarga and tobiko. Okaaaay. Weird, but okay. The shrimp wedge salad was delicious. I had to have one shrimp. Just one. Ate loads of the iceberg lettuce that came with it. In fact, I ate most of it since no one else seemed to want the rest of greens. Hahahah. Also slurpped up the burrata. There were beef cheek bolgonesse pizza, and also the restaurant's famous Sicilian Grandma Pizzas — anchovies and caramelized onions, and the upside down breadcrumb.

Also had more carbs in the form of rigatoni with garlic and tomato sauce, and the lobster tagliolini. I was eyeing the pici alla gricia, but I had no more stomach space to be greedy; another time then. Everyone wisely chose to skip alcohol at this lunch. The current dessert menu held all pies. So we shared apple pies and the nutella verona chocolate pies

It was bright sunshine when we went to lunch, but stormed later on. Lingered a while before we left at 3pm. I was so glad that I put Smol Girl at playschool for four hours. Hurhurhur. There was a short burst of heavy rain and a bit of thunder. But she couldn't hear anything from inside the mall, and was occupied and happy. 

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