Thursday, December 29, 2022

Boxing Day 2022 :: Eurasian Curry, Fish & Beef!

Went over to our friends’ table for dinner. K outdid himself with not one but three dishes! There was a pot of Eurasian curry, and oven-baked a sole, as well as two slabs of seared ribeye and sirloin. They even rustled up two cheeses and some ham. It was quite the ideal meal for the man too, since he could go low on the carbs and still get in all the nutrients.

We made no contributions, except to boil up a pot of basmati rice and brought it over, and filled our stomachs. K said that the curry wasn't Devil Curry, but Curry Cocu. It was one of those Eurasian curries that are done in the family at festive seasons but not well known or documented. Food was sooooo good. K can really cook. And he never goes big on the marinade or the seasoning. He likes to keep it effective and simple to salt and pepper, lemon or lime. Unsurprisingly, we went easy on the alcohol. Nobody wanted to drink and feel like crap the next day. We all needed our sleep. 

Choya is now familiar with the friends and their three cats. She can now wander around their home freely, even with three cats around. Two mostly ignore her and chill out where they want, and it's usually away from Choya. They co-exist in peace close to one another. But the youngest Siamese girl is quite ferocious and would poof up and hiss if Choya goes near her. Luckily for all of us, even when the cat's growls turn loud and angry, Choya simply moves away. Choya understands a cat's 'NO.' Then the humans step in to soothe any ruffled fur. Heh.

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