Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Christmas Day 2022

I'm getting the quiet Christmas holidays I want. NO OBLIGATIONS. I don't want raccuous parties, I don't want to drink copious amounts of alcohol; I just want to read. I honestly wouldn't have minded skiing this season, trekking or doing something quiet in a wintry town. But as it is, there's a Smol Girl. So I'm keeping it really quiet and fiercely guarding my mind space.

A joyful mind maketh age flourishing: a sorrowful spirit drieth up the bones. [23] The wicked man taketh gifts out of the bosom, that he may pervert the paths of judgment. [24] Wisdom shineth in the face of the wise: the eyes of fools are in the ends of the earth.

~ Proverbs 17:22-24, Douay-Rheims

While Ryo’s pawrents are off skiing in the Dolomites, we took him for a staycation at ours and included him in our Christmas dinner. Ryo isn’t used to dining at restaurants or hanging out at bars the way Choya does so comfortably. He’s also a tad afraid of the dark. Christmas Day dinner isn’t the most ideal to take him out. So we stayed in. He was as happy as a lark rolling around on my floors.

Ryo was the cutest Christmas elf and came bearing loads of gifts for Choya and us. Aiyohhhh. His pawrents shouldn't have lah. I'm rationing Choya's gifts anyway. Keeping some. Otherwise there would be too much good stuff given to her in a two-week period! 

We had the foresight to take the floofs out for a mid-afternoon pee. There was a weird squall that rolled in at 5.30pm and lasted through dinner. Thank goodness there was no crackling thunder. I tasked the man to eyeball the floofs while I prepped dinner. It was nothing fancy — oven-charred Brussels sprouts, and a main of fennel roast pork with rhubarb sauce. The man was very happy with dinner.  

Choya had her usual raw meats, offal and bones. She shared a Christmas log cake (beef) with Ryo. I also grilled him beef chuck, and sliced it up for him. That silly boy doesn’t have a voracious appetite and I’d need to tempt him with small portions of food thrice a day. But he also can dig in his heels and not eat the whole day. This boy only eats when he's really hungry. He's 16kg; I have no idea how he's willing to go without food if he isn't in the mood for it. When he finally comes to look for me to ask for food, that could be at 11pm. Zzzzz.

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