Monday, January 16, 2023


Finally our National Library stocked the English translation of Shuang Xuetao's 'Rouge Street: Three Novellas'. This is translated by Jeremy Tiang and published in English in April 2022. 《艳粉街 : 三部中篇小说》,双雪涛著,程异译.   

But gosh, it took soooo long even for me to get the digital copy to read. I was third in the queue and the readers ahead sure took their time. At least I managed to get my hands on the book before 2022 came to a close. Dohhhhh. (Reviews hereherehere and here.)

I have been meaning to read this writer's books, but never got around to it. So I was thrilled to read his stories in English first before I seek them out in Chinese. The 39-year-old author draws upon his childhood experiences growing up in Northeast China, in Shengyang, Liaoning Province. I read Jing Tsu's (石静远) book review in Chinese for NYT first before I read the book.




Magdalene Thien wrote a lengthy foreword, delving into Shuang Xuetao's use of prose, language, his created characters and the background/years they live in. 

Yanfen Street,  as Shuang brings it to life, has a clarity that allows his characters to be seen in their full dimensions. The ground shifts beneath them; rising and falling force them into new perspectives. Only when the children in "Bright Hall" sink to the bottom of the lake do they see the foundation of their era — knowledge that, if they are fortunate, they will bring with them back to the surface.

Set in Mao's China, these three novellas are titled 'The Aeronaut''Bright Hall', and 'Moses on the Plain'. They plod along slow, like proletariat films set in the 1980s or 1990s streaming on MUBI. The details were very in-depth. Drinking features very heavily in the book, presumably the choice of poison is baijiu

In 'The Aeronaut', we literally hear about every connection in the family and the state of the relationships from the fathers to the sons. That was set against the backdrop of the Cultural Revolution that killed their fathers' spirit. The children turn out remarkably different, even in these harsh circumstances. 

'Bright Hall' isn't such a cheerful place after all. It tells of two abandoned children, let down by adults supposedly responsible for them. It also raised the touchy topic of religion, and Christianity. There's a Pastor Lin. There's mention of a little girl Gooseberry knowing the story of Jonah and the Whale, as well as Abraham and Isaac, and Cain and Abel. Some of the puns get lost in translation, methinks. Say, in 'Bright Hall', there's this part that I'm unable to translate the names into Chinese,

Two little girls, maybe three or four years younger than me, were building a snowman in the field ahead of me. I cleared my throat.

—How do I get to Bright Hall?

The  taller girl glanced at me. —What?

—Bright Hall.

—Bride Hall? Aren't you too young to be getting married?

The other girl laughed. I probably looked a bit silly, all sweaty and laden down. 

'Moses on the Plain' is narrated by a few characters whose lives mingle and they know each other as neighbors. A serial murder case tied them all together, and they had history stretching back to the Cultural Revolution too. At the end of the day, the story is really about the feud of the parents' generation, and the two characters at the end of the story — police offer Zhuang Shu, and his childhood friend Li Fei.

I'm glad I took my time in reading this book. It's worth lingering over. I enjoyed the stories, and most of all, I really admire Jeremy Tiang's translation. It's nuanced, concise and totally reflected the words of the author, including complementing the original phrasing and pace. 

How you interpret the stories, is really a matter for the Chinese diaspora to discuss. Everyone perceives political and social commentary differently. I couldn't empathize with what went on, but I'm glad that fate didn't have me be born in that era and in China, and in that particular province and town. China is so damn big that it matters where you were born, where you spent your childhood and where you spend your adulthood. They're starkly different and you'll be moulded according to what leaves the deepest impression during your formative years. 

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