Sunday, January 22, 2023

除夕 :: 門戶臨風迎春入,高樓觸月接兔歸

I respectfully declined the invitation to the in-laws' reunion dinner on Lunar New Year Eve. It wasn't a venue that accommodated pets. And I was all ready to use Smol Girl as an excuse not to go. But I didn't say that, I literally said, "I'm not coming to this dinner. Thank you for the invitation." Nobody dared to continue the conversation. Over the years, I've made it clear that I'm not into these dinners and gatherings. I dread them. They don't make me feel energized or gladsome at the end of it; I feel drained, exhausted and resentful. 

The pandemic lockdowns and restrictions on gatherings were a boon to me. This year, I'm continuing to eschew all 'obligatory' (family or otherwise) social events. I'M DONE. SO DONE. They'll just have to understand that some people really dislike these obligations. Also, I'm hugely disinterested in the food. Some people would rather deal with my black face at these dinners than to have me skip it. The hypocrisy. I refuse to play ball. The moment I put my foot down and declined to attend the 'reunion' dinner (which didn't include Smol Girl), this huge weight lifted off of my head. I felt unburdened, and immensely relieved. 

The weather gods were in my favor too. It's been an extra wet week because a monsoon surge is expected in the region this period. This week, the rains are coming in at all hours, especially lashing in the afternoons. In comparison to the past three months, the thunder hasn't been too bad. I have no wish to leave the girl alone at home while I head out to dinner. If I curb my own socials in the evenings, then hell, no way am I going for this reunion dinner and return to bloodied floors and doors, and shredded paws. I didn't wish to sedate her with maximum dosage of Gabapentin while I attended a dinner that I didn't care for. Hello, PRIORITIES, PLEASE. 其中的利害關係輕重,我不多說、你們都懂。

年三十晚的心情是如此平靜。還有餘力給自己做份簡單的晚餐 — とても簡単なメニュー、釜玉うどん, たっぷり春キャベツと豚の生姜焼き. 預備材料和煮炒時間一點兒也不長。洗刷清理鍋和碗碟也輕鬆。這一份清靜太難得了。這就是進入記憶裡另一個很愉快的一頓年夜飯。#ImpieCooks2023

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