Saturday, January 28, 2023


N's aunt made kuih kapit in the old-school way over a traditional charcoal stove. OMG. I was allocated one giant tin (that big Milo tin). I was soooo thrilled. I don't like love letters rolled up. I like them folded flat like these. And I really prefer the ones done at home with less sugar. 

It's ridiculously hard to find these desserts and pastries done at home nowadays. It is a lot of effort to make them, and many of us just can't be bothered I suppose. Well, I don't have the required skills or talent to do these. I can probably make them, but they'd taste like crap. I don't buy kuih kapit from any random store. Unless it's an independent store, and they guarantee that the batches churned out are small and has strict quality control. 

I'm glad that not many people would gift me snacks because they now know that I don't want them and I don't eat them. I had to be really rude about it in order to stop the avalanche of unwanted snacks arriving at the door. The biggest problem is, these kind gift-givers give for the sake of giving; they don't know what I want to eat or like to eat, then they anyhow assume, and of course they end up giving me items that I don't want. 

Of course I snacked this Lunar New Year! I'm into savory items, not sweet things. Hurhurhur. And I very much prefer to buy my own snacks. I like savory and spicy, but I'm not into spicy shrimp rolls and such. Not fond of arrowroot chips either. No nian gao (glutinous sticky brown new year cake) please, bak kwa is a big no-no. It's not really for health reasons that the man and I don't eat them. We don't like the taste too these things. Although spicy shrimp rolls are the man's kryptonite.

I'm not unopposed to pineapple tarts, but everyone makes them differently. Your version of good pineapple tarts might not be my version of it. I prefer them to come as balls, not open-faced tarts. As far as commercial pineapple tarts go, this year, I bought myself a jar from Patissier Woo. The little golden balls are really quite tasty. Their dark chocolate sea salt sables are also wonderful because they go big on the salt and chocolate and low on the sugar. The sables contain the exact ratio of flavour profiles I like. The jars aren't big either, so they're perfect for me. 20 pineapple tarts in a jar lasted me for two weeks. 

My all-time favorite items are prawn crackers and belinjo crackers (or spicy emping). Haha. Savory and crunchy. I would eat them plain, but they're best eaten with spicy sambal belachan. Mmmmm. I've eaten so much prawn crackers and belinjo this season. Shiok.

Visited the friends and my godson. He's only three weeks old, so I wasn't keen to like carry him or whatever. He's not an item or a bag to be passed around to be inspected. He's still fragile and vulnerable to viruses, so best not to be all kissy-huggy. Instead, I went to hug a jar of prawn crackers and monopolised it. Hahaha. The friends stocked up a jar from Rasa Sayang. This shop does such good kueh lapis and superb prawn crackers. I did pour out a portion into a bowl to eat lah, and not leave the jar open the whole time — gotta be hygienic!

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