Friday, January 27, 2023

Our Walk Was Rained Out, So We Had Coffee

When the non-stop rains didn't allow us to do a 7.30am morning walk at the Botanics, we simply shifted the format to a 9am coffee meet at S's welcoming dining table. We stopped her from prepping any food for us. She was already prepping loads of things to host another group of humans in the afternoon. 

We merrily took two Nespresso capsules each. NO BREAKFAST NEEDED. No need carbs or whatever. There were plenty of snacks on the table if we wanted. I couldn't resist the prawn crackers with sambal belachan. OMG> they were savory and sooooo tasty. M happily took a bowl of the just-cooked red bean soup, but I had no interest in it. The homemade crackers were not-too-greasy, and they were totally the vehicle to the belachan. That sambal belachan was everything. 

It was a very precious morning catching up with the ladies. Definitely not schmoozing. None to be done when we know one another well, and we're in tune with one another's lives and going-ons.

Choya was quite happy chilling out with us. The dreary day meant that she was a bit nervous anticipating thunder. But these rains didn't bring much thunder. So she was happy when so many humans were around to keep her company. She turned on all her charm and greeted EVERYBODY. Ha!

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