Thursday, February 09, 2023

I'm 45!

With the weather as it is now, it's tough to plan for anything outdoors without a Plan B. I thought about going to the beach with Smol Girl this morning, but it depended on the rainclouds. Well, we made it to the beach. 

And it was fabulous that N and Ryo could join us at the last minute since they were free! It was nice to have them, especially when I know that N didn't know when my birthday is. But after today, she knows. Heh. 

Ryo wasn't in the mood to swim, so he hung out on the beach. Of course Choya wasn't keen to swim either. She spent all her energy sprinting on the beach and digging loads of holes in the sand, and looking for little patches to roll around in. She doesn't care to stay out in the hot sun all day. Neither do I. So she always looks for the the sandy patches in the shade to snooze in.  

We stopped by the beach club for a quick bite and to hydrate with non-alcoholic drinks. Both floofs were pretty happy to chill out with us. We didn't intend to spend the whole day out anyway. Just two hours or so before the afternoon rains came in. I saw the friends' texts coming in, full of wishes. I resisted the urge to read them now. I would read it in the afternoon and reply properly. This was a great gift — lovely weather, floofs and friends.

I didn't plan to do anything else for a birthday celebration. These days, I would like life to move along at a slow and even pace. I don't want a fuss over my birthday, and I most certainly don't want fancy food at super-pricey restaurants, and preferably low on alcohol. I don't think my stomach likes alcohol nowadays. I want to eat at venues that will accommodate Smol Girl. What's more important is for me to spend the day doing easy things, like what I usually do! A trip to the beach on a week day is a luxury since we don't normally have the mind space or time to do that during the work week. 

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