Friday, February 10, 2023

Miraku Does Dashi Sooo Well

I didn't line up a slew of Japanese sushi omakase meals this birthday season. The stomach didn't feel like it. It needed to space out the heavy meals. I could only do a dinner a day to 'celebrate', so to speak. It was a busy work week and there was a conference going on. So I couldn't do lunch with anyone. It could only be dinner, and there're only so many darlings I want to eke out precious time for at dinner on any given date. 

I requested for only ONE sushi omakase dinner at Miraku, and it had to be with V. She generously obliged. Last year, we did the same too, an easy lunch at Miraku. V's a gem! We went easy on the alcohol. A 720ml-bottle nicely lasted us the whole meal. Chef Hei got the memo and totally passed on the tuna for us, except a dollop of negitoro in the handroll. He sliced out plenty of hikarimono pieces for me. 

There was a surprise appetizer in the tiniest cup of udon in dashi. NICE. That dashi was fabulous. I almost asked for another bowl of it. The kitchen really cooked it well. Needless to say, tonight's soup was beautiful too. With a slice of blanched sea bream perched on a little ball of onion. I loved it.

Dessert was yuzu/kinkan sorbet served as a ball frozen into the hollowed out kinkan. Too adorable. Tasted great. I saved that for the last and ate all the bits of pear and the strawberry first. What a lovely meal. My tastebuds enjoyed it so much. The stomach was fine and very grateful to have V split the bottle sake with me. I can no longer finish one bottle by myself (and I shouldn't). 😬🤪

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