Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Loads of Thai Spices!

I didn't want anything fancy, but wanted a bit of spice, so a casual dinner at Little Elephant with the friends made for an awesome evening. The rain stormed down that evening, right smack at the 5-8pm slot. Thankfully the roads weren't too congested and we got to dinner without being late or too harried.

I miss Thai spices and its piquant flavors. Little Elephant is my current default for casual Thai food. Somehow, I don't feel like stepping into fancier Thai restaurants in town. We don't have the right chefs and crowd for a redefined Thai fine dining gastronomic experience. With a table of four at Little Elephant tonight, we could order more dishes! Hurhurhur. Had to have the stir-fried kangkong because the kitchen had ran out of that the past thrice we were here. The grilled pork collar was a must too, along with the clear tom yam prawn soup. YUMMY.

They all put up their hands to ask for dessert, a bowl of red ruby (tub tim grob / ทับทิมกรอบ) each. I was like, are you guys sure you can finish a bowl by yourselves? I can most certainly quaff it. But I highly doubted any of them could. When the bowls came, they blinked. I laughed and laughed. These greedy people! They didn't realize that this kitchen does a generous portion in each bowl, and it does red ruby so well. Everyone gave me two to three extra tablespoonfuls from their bowls. HAHAHAHAHA. I merrily slurpped them all up.

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