Thursday, February 16, 2023

The New-Old Asia Grand Restaurant

The BFF is finally home, but she was ill with a winter cold for the whole week. When she felt better, we went to the brand new Asia Grand for a dim sum lunch! I waited for a bit before going since the crowds are crazy and fill up the restaurant every weekend for two sittings at lunch. Now that the kitchen logistics and crowd situation have stabilized, I happily popped in to a bustling restaurant.  

The new restaurant is brighter, and still carry the same vibes of the old restaurant. It has existed for 19 years, and hopefully for a few more yet. There were plenty of old favorites on the menu. There were so many things to eat till I sadly, had to pass on the claypot rice. I would have to return soon to eat it. I didn't bother with the pig stomach soup either. I'd save that for another day. 

I really wanted their char siew pau. This is my favorite iteration of char siew pau in town. I should have ordered two portions. Hahahaha. Since everyone wanted soup, we went for broke and ordered a whole pot of daily soup. It was a familiar pork rib and melon soup. NICE. The restaurant does such a wonderful pot, and lightly salted in the way I like it. I happily drank three bowls of it. Mmmmm.

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