Saturday, March 04, 2023

Uni, Somen and Sashimi at Home

Visited the friends to see how they're doing with a newborn (human baby). We've seen them already (when the little one arrived in this world), but we wanted to see them again, and that's not because the man and I wanted to coo over the baby.

These aren't friends we want to see only twice a year, and them busy with a newborn doesn't mean that we don't want to see them at all or they have no time for us. I'm very frank — while I'm already quite fond of this newborn, he isn't my priority at this point (like I don't need to carry him or hug him). My concern is for his parents — our friends — their well-being. 

The friends are great at organizing their time and conserving their energy. They've straightened out logistics of caregiving, feeding and toddling to paediatricians and clinical appointments. Still. It's a gruelling new schedule and routine(s) to get used to. As hectic as juggling timetables is, the friends still suggested dinner too. We had intentionally asked if we could visit later at 8pm, after dinner, so that we wouldn't put them out. They seized the opportunity to say that they needn't cook tonight and their helper would get a break too, and that dinner could be ordered in, and 7pm would be fine. OKAY LOR. Oooof.

Suguru Home Dining sorted out dinner for us. I keep seeing it on the socials but I've never ordered from them at all. The friends have tried it a couple of times and like it. So they ordered from Suguru tonight too. There was a lovely box of uni which made dinner a total luxury. There were tubs of scallops, ikura, and snow crab. Carbs came in the form of truffle somen. We also went to the supermarket to get some sashimi and sushi, tamago and croquettes to add on to the meal. There was plenty of food, and we ate, but it didn't feel too jelat

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