Friday, March 03, 2023

Another Monsoon Surge This Month

All I have been doing this week, is to stalk the weather app to watch the movement of the rainclouds in the mornings and in the nights. And sometimes in the afternoons.  

This odd monsoon surge makes for lovely cool weather, but it's an absolutely bitch to have to juggle Smol Girl's pee timings. I don't even want to think about poop. She will poop when she can't hold it. 

I've given up on putting on boots for her. Her paws are fine and not raw. They can get wet and I'll just rinse and dry them off. It takes up extra effort and time, but I don't have a choice. It's more important that she wears that raincoat so that she isn't soaked through. 

Drying a wet dog isn't fun at all. Drying wet things aren't fun either. I have a fan on the patio to help with circulating the air, but no dehumidifier or heater to help dry things fast. At least she has two raincoats to swop around when one is wet and can't dry in time for the next pee-walk.

Of course I'm not going out in a thunderstorm or heavy rain unless it's absolutely crucial that she pees during the hour because it's bedtime. Thankfully, we literally got a break during night-time pees. There are breaks in the rain during the day, and she made a few poops in a light drizzle. That would do. 

I'm thankful that this monsoon surge didn't bring too much thunder. Bits, but nothing too rumbling or crackling. Smol Girl isn't too perturbed by it. After a looooong stretch of deep sleep in the nights (maybe for a month), she woke me up twice in the past few nights when the rain pelted down furiously. But she was okay. Just a bit scared but not panicky. No calming agent needed. Her appetite has been good too, since this round's thunder has been gentle and she isn't frightened so badly till she won't eat. 

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