Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Butter Chicken, Cantonese Soup & A Chocolate Egg

Happy to know that the friends had a well-deserved break in France and the UK, then we found a date to catch up properly. It was a lovely evening of conversation over a table full of food and wine.  

Our plans to get food from Newton Food Center were ruined by the 5pm storm that arrived on cue. Grrrrrrrr. (Next time then, sambal stingray and white savory carrot cake.) By the time it petered off, the queues at the stalls would be way too long. Disgusting weather. Luckily we had an inkling about it, so we made vague Plan B to get food from restaurants in a mall. 

Since L had a craving for butter chicken, food was procured from Shahi Maharani, and I also wanted a soup from Asia Grand Restaurant. That's the best part about getting takeout in this city. You could mesh everything you want. Who cares whether the dishes complement 100% as long as they sort of do... 50%. Heh.

There were vegetable pilaf, fish masala, mushroom masala. There were also Penang fruit rojak and grilled chicken wings. The man also decided that he should go for broke with the carbs, and got mutton biryani; ate a few scoops, and tapau-ed the rest home. Hahaha. The Cantonese soup of the day was a pot of watercress and pork ribs. The man bought a medium-sized portion! We drank it all anyway. It was so very satisfying. 

The friends brought home Easter eggs! These are from Fortnum & Mason — half a dozen eggshells filled with dark chocolate hazelnut praline. The hen eggs were painted in that shade of robin's eggs, or what the brand terms as eau de nil. Too cute. I cracked open one to eat, and half regretted it because it was solid chocolate, in the size of an egg. Gave the man two bites. He loves the hazelnut praline. I ate this one all up anyway. Kekekekek. It was so filling! 

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