Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Thanks to the nifty donabe, cooking beautiful short-grain sticky rice has never been easier. I've been eating wayyyyy too much fuwa-fuwa rice. It's irresistible. Gotta control that high-GI and high sugar intake. 

Had a leisurely window between churning out work papers. Decided to cook up a pot of fluffy rice for myself and some food. I intended to keep all extras in the fridge for the man's lunch or nibbles the next day. The man was supposed to head out to the office, but in the end, he chose to work from home too. All right then, everybody eats a homecooked lunch.

I had bought pork ribs and bones, chicken chunks, and the star, pig's stomach. Soaked, turned it inside out a few times and washed the shit out of the stomach, literally. I'll spare you those photos. Oof! I wore gloves to wash the piece of offal. Then I boiled it to remove all remnant stench, sliced it and kept it in the fridge. It would be boiled into soup today. 

I have a craving for peppery pig's stomach soup. Few restaurants can  cater to what I'm looking for. This is a soup I can do well, so I might as well boil it up myself. Except that this was the first time in years that I've done it. Hehhh! The soup turned out great. It tasted exactly how I expected it to be. It was deliciously peppery and full of flavors. I am pleased. #ImpieCooks2023

Of course I didn't cook that chicken. It was too much effort after prepping the soup. Hurhurhur. The whole braised soya sauce chicken (chopped up) was procured from Hawker Chan. That was the main source of protein for the man. He went low-carb for lunch, but he couldn't resist 30g of fuwa-fuwa rice too.

Had to have easy greens with the meal. The omelette was an afterthought. But it went well with the meal.  This omelette held no salt because fish sauce would be drizzled atop. Seared a sunny-side up for Smol Girl's dinner, but she came out of her room asking for a snack. So after eating her breakfast at 10.30am; three hours later, she ate a snack while we had lunch. Hahaha.

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