Thursday, April 20, 2023

Spam & Fuwa-Fuwa Rice

Do I have to keep a food log too? Hahaha. No. But I do consciously count the number of times I eat spam. It's not the best thing, and I don't take it often. Maybe once in a few months. Now that I have the donabe, I use it so much, and I must have spam on fuwa-fuwa rice, topped with an egg. 

Set about cooking rice and opening up a can of Hormel Spam Lite. Hurhurhur. The cravings were totally satisfied tonight. OH YES. 餐肉蛋飯. The satisfaction index for this meal went through the roof. Yup, eggs all around for everyone. A sunny-side up for me, and 63°C eggs for Choya and the man. #ImpieCooks2023

The man's meal portion was healthier. He was going to go carb-free. Then he couldn't resist 120g of fuwa-fuwa rice + a sprinkle of furikake, and two pieces of spam. The man didn't need to have the chicken breast seared. I simply sous vide it with spices and a touch of soy. It was tasty enough. I also opened up a tube of egg tofu and seared it. So with meat protein and egg tofu, his nutrition requirements were all met. He's the one who still dutifully logs his calories and carbs in the Lumen app.

It was just as well that we stayed in for dinner because there was some weird lightning and thunder that went on all night, with no rain. It was hot af. Disgusting. Smol Girl wasn't too terrified since the thunder was far away. She managed, and ate her dinner just fine. She loved her allocated bit of sous vide chicken tenders.

The man's healthier portions with egg tofu and sous vide chicken breast.

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