Wednesday, May 17, 2023

A Cake Worth Eating

I only like cake when it's done well. And it must be a certain kind of taste and texture. It's very hard for me to find cake that I like at the shops. TBH, the IG bakers are much stronger in terms of churning out innovative flavors and using good ingredients to churn out their cakes. I love chocolate, and I can appreciate a good chocolate cake. But oddly, I'm not that fond of it. A well-made strawberry shortcake is very hard to hunt down. Pantler does one that I don't mind, but even so, it doesn't fully hit a spot. No, I don't like the strawberry shortcakes from the other places because they're too sweet and hold too much cream rather than the sponge.

Little Favors pushed out a Mother's Day special of white peach, elderberry, lychee and milk oolong. I bought it immediately. I didn't buy it for the occasion. I bought it because the flavor profile appealed to me and I just wanted to eat cake after not having it for a loooong time. 

The baker lugged back white peaches from her Taiwan vacation. She said that the "white peaches have been poached in peach purée, St Germain (elderflower liqueur) and milk oolong tea, and folded into a compote of the same flavors. It’s layered in between yogurt mousse, lychees and the cake is covered in peach and yogurt buttercream." Mmmmm. Of course this cake contains edible flowers and alcohol.

One whole cake isn't that much if I like it. Hahaha. I quartered and shared out the cake and immediately regretted it. Two quadrants for myself ain't enough! WAIL. I should have bought TWO CAKES. 

The only problem- getting the cake delivered might be dicey, and it's a far drive for us to collect the cake. However, to ease the load off of the baker who is a friend, we'd still drive down to pick up our order. So the next time, in order to justify the efforts of either delivery or pick up, TWO CAKES are the way to go.

There're some cakes that the dog is interested in. Some she'll ignore. However, this one, she wanted a lick of the cream. She was most interested in it and it wasn't a curiosity thing. She took a giant lick of the cake when I placed it in front of her for a photo. Then later on when we ate the cake over two sittings, she came to ask for a lick too. OKAYYYY. She got a tiny lick. The cake has alcohol lah, so she shouldn't even be licking off a dollop. AIYOH.

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