Thursday, May 18, 2023

Lemang & Sambal Goreng Pengantin

Ever grateful that our friends and their parents still bother to cook and host guests for so many weekends for Raya/Eid, and include us. We've had the best sambal and rempah from their kitchens. We ate foods that we've missed and can't find at the regular nasi padang stalls. Nobody would bother to make begedil during Raya/Eid, but at one home, because G's mom knows that I'm a begedil fiend, she made a batch for me to take home. OMG. I was soooo touched. 

When Z opened up his home to have his friends over for the afternoon, we could only pop by closer to 6pm that day, as the festivities at his wound down. People were heading off to go home already. Anyway we didn't plan to stay long. However, Z made sure he had food left for us. Hahaha. He did say to come eat, and although we said not to worry about it, there was a table-full of food!

There were lontong with ayam rendang, and fried chicken. I skipped those mainly. But I took the gravy and the lontong to taste! I gave the carb quota to lemang. Took two rolls. This version was soooo tasty. The glutinous rice was mixed with the garlic, salt and pepper and coconut milk, chicken stock, etc, and grilled. Mmmmm. This was served with the serundeng ayam served at the side.

Happiness was in having a tiny bit of the beef rendang, and eating all the sambal goreng that I wanted. There were two iterations of sambal goreng — in its 'vegetarian' form with tofu and tempe, and also a platter as sambal goreng pengantin with liver and paru. Oh my! What a happy meal!

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