Thursday, May 11, 2023

Continuing with HIIT at Ritual

[Ritual gym abruptly ceased operations on 29 February 2024 and plunged straight into provisional liquidation.]

I don't think I miss Ritual at North Canal Road (Raffles Place) all that much. It's a lovely spot, and the shower cubicles are fine, but the toilets suck. LOL. Easing into Ritual at a new location isn't difficult. It's seamless! Between its Orchard and Tiong Bahru outlets, the latter is a lot more convenient to me.

In fact, now that the weather is sort of cooperating, I can stop by the gym thrice a week, if not, minimally twice. That's ideal. The HIIT is only 25 minutes, short and sweet. I'm not interested in a killer 45-minute workout, not interested using much equipment beyond bars and rings, dumbbells and maybe a kettlebell. I don't care for rowing machines or ellipticals or whatever. At least for my metabolic rate and my body's needs, 25 minutes sufficient to burn calories and build muscles. 

There're lazy days and there're hardworking days. Burpees are almost always expected as that increases your heart rate pronto. But on days when pull-ups are on the board, I die. This week's pull-ups were particularly exhausting. At a Tuesday class, the pull-ups were done at the end of the set. OMG. After tuck jumps and push-ups. By the time I get to the pull-ups, I could only do three good ones for 35 seconds for the first two sets, and for the final two sets, I gave up and simply did jump pull-ups. But the strength didn't come from my arms. It must not. Strength must come from the scapular muscles. My lats were absolutely fatigued. 

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