Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Xiaolongbao with the BFF & P!

Three weeks post-surgery for a hysterectomy, the BFF is ready to go out gallivanting. She's still walking around gingerly of course. Her stitches are out and the incision is healing fine, and so far there're no surgery complications. She's able to sleep on her side naturally, but she can't do weight-bearing movements. Exercising especially core movements must be kept to the minimal and nothing strenuous for 10 weeks because the deep tissues and muscles haven't healed. The risk of hernia must be factored in. 

I'm so glad that the BFF's fitness regime granted her the mobility and strength post-op. She's fairly active and has kept active at home post-surgery. She doesn't have any issues getting in and out of her rather high bed. Her post-surgery catered meals from Thomson Medical's post-natal care unit are almost done. She said that the food's pretty decent and she likes that they use thermal containers instead of a mountain of plastic. However, she's getting cabin fever. Heh. She can do short 20-25 minute walks before she needs to sit down. So she can't wander too far either. 

Happy to be out and about for a quick meal with the BFF and P. They wanted to stop by the nearest Din Tai Fung for a meal. Xiaolongbao! The restaurant is crazy crowded at peak lunch hour; we did a 2pm late lunch. The BFF had eaten her catered dishes earlier at 11.45am, but she had a craving for xiaolongbao. So this was a snack for her. She shared a basket with P and ate five pieces. P needed pork chop and egg fried rice, and a prawn pancake. I had eaten a bite at 11am after a HIIT class, so I wasn't starving. I wanted a whole basket of xiaolongbao to myself. All ten of them. I was pleased as punch.

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